It's been a busy week so far with 5 events in 4 days - monday's bus and hike (3 people), tuesday's women only bike repair (8 women) and the Cuba/Peak Oil movie at Transit Gallery (80 people, pictured), the anti-idling ticket time in Westdale, and of course the third annual non-motorized "drive-in" movie night under cool but clear skies at Gage Park (tonight).
Friday, it's rain or shine critical mass bike ride (5:30 pm) meeting at the skydragon centre (27 King William between James and Hughson) and after the ride a STREET PARTY starting around 6:30pm with live music - Kim and Frank Koren, Kelly Grrl, the Funk Ambassadors and spoken word artist D-Lishus. (Rain location is the Sky Dragon Centre, otherwise we're on the street!)
Explore the city without a car at these volunteer-run events! A BIG THANKS TO ALL THE VOLUNTEERS WHO CONTRIBUTE TIME TO MAKE THINGS HAPPEN! for more, including sustainable transportation advocacy.