Explore OPIRG Online Or In Person!
There are so many facets of OPIRG McMaster that it's sometime hard to summarize. So this post doesn't even try. We do a lot with the resources we have. Poke around a bit and find out how we create opportunities for students while being accountable for all we do.
- Governance docs - constitution, policies, financial information http://www.opirg.ca/page/governance-documents
- Working Groups - how to start one - current groups (10) - working group year end reports (2004-2014) - policy - application http://www.opirg.ca/page/all-about-working-groups
- Volunteering - how to volunteer - volunteer form - rights and responsibilities - satisfaction survey - current opportunities http://www.opirg.ca/page/volunteering-opirg-mcmaster
- Student Employment -hiring policy - links to funding programs (Canada Summer Career Placements, McMaster Work Program) http://www.opirg.ca/page/student-jobs-opirg-mcmaster
- Link to past jobs http://www.opirg.ca/page/history-canada-summer-jobs-opirg-mcmaster
- Street Tree Project including 2013 and 2014 final reports http://www.opirg.ca/project/hamilton-street-tree-project
- Resources - applications for support - button maker - feedback forms - resource holdings - online newsletters - policies - resource centre feedback questionnaire - Public Interest Grants - Youtube video - the PIG page http://www.opirg.ca/page/public-interest-grants
OPIRG is an integral contributor to the McMaster community’s ability to provide meaningful hands-on volunteer opportunities for students. Since 1995, OPIRG McMaster has been helping students become engaged citizens, developing research and advocacy skills in the service of the public good.
OPIRG McMaster has robust accountability through our elected student Board of Directors, our policies and procedures, our constitution, and by having audited financial statements.
We love to hear from students and others who are interested in our mandate. We welcome contributions that help ensure OPIRG McMaster fulfills our mandate and is accountable to our membership as we take action in the public interest.
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Sabeen volunteering at the OPIRG Clubs Fest Table, September 2014 |
Check us out in many ways!:
- OPIRG.CA http://www.opirg.ca/welcome
- Blog http://opirgmcmaster.blogspot.com
- Facebook https://www.facebook.com/OPIRG.McMaster
- Twitter https://twitter.com/OPIRGMCMASTER
- YOUTUBE Channel https://www.youtube.com/user/OPIRGmcmaster
- Online History Archive http://opirgmcmasterhistory.blogspot.ca
- G+ https://plus.google.com/+OpirgCa/posts
- (NEW)Instagram http://instagram.com/opirgmcmaster
- (NEW) Tumblr http://opirgmcmaster.tumblr.com
Or drop by our Resource Centre Monday to Friday, 10am to 4:30pm in Room 229, McMaster University Student Centre.
OPIRG McMaster is a dynamic resource centre supporting student and community volunteers taking action on important social and environmental issues