getting active

We're back for another exciting year of environmental and social justice research and action out of the OPIRG office. First, thanks out to the opirg volunteers (past , present and future) who helped get us noticed at a busy (and chaotic) clubs fest. We handed out lots of leaflets, some opirg buttons (one inch, made on our brand new button-maker machine, woo woo!), lots of city bike/trails maps, and hopefully out display caught the eye of students and community members interested in taking action on important issues.
Working Groups with displays included the Eat Local working group (a joint effort with Environment Hamilton). Julie brought some local organic pears rescued by the urban fruit gathering squad. Several members from Non-Violence Now spread the word about their peace education work. And a new working group on Mexico was on hand

IF YOU SIGNED UP FOR E-MAIL and didn't get the events listing yet, contact, since I've likely misread some handwriting...
More later. Please check back often, or go to the main opirg web page at


Getting Going