impacting pugwash
Saturday March 12 9am to 4pm.
McMaster Science for Peace PUGWASH promotes social awareness and evidence-based policy making.
This year's annual themed conference is titled: Health Impact without Borders: Globalization, Pharmaceuticals and the Migration of Healthcare Professionals
We have speakers re: global pharmaceuticals with rich experience.
Dr. Nancy Olivieri's -activism against global pharmaceutical control of research.
Dr. Chris Longo is a consultant for Canada's Agency for Drugs and Technology in Health
Other topics by equally amazing speakers will be migrating health professionals in Ontario and the world, and global governance of intellectual properties.
The event will be free, breakfast and lunch will be provided.
For more information or to RSVP, please email
Disclaimer: this is not an official opirg mcmaster sponsored event, and is posted for information purposes only. Please contact the event organizers with any questions or concerns.