screen play

Anyone passing the OPIRG table today might have caught a glimpse of Barb Danielewski, a fantastic DIY screen printer, and her custom designs on T-Shirts, patches, and neck ties (yes, neck ties).

Barb's display garnered lots of interest, as she displayed the screen printing methods she uses to make her designs.

Her display concentrated on the car-free theme with everything from the classic "one less car" to images of a car being pushed off a cliff by a human, a four-person bicycle, "Driving Causes strokes and heart disease", and a naughty one that makes use of the Ford logo, but changing the last three letters...

Barb contacted OPIRG as she was passing through the city, heading to Toronto for PS Kensington, before returning to her home in Kingston ON

OPIRG has 24 of her cloth patches available for sale, so drop by the office and support travelling artists.

Her web site (currently out of comish) is (check it in a month or so)

It was a treat for us, and I think Barb had a good time as well.


Our First Video...


we finally got into Macleans...