the gift of time: volunteering

Todd Westcott (pictured) helped staff the OPIRG table in MUSC last Thursday. The display set up, the busy student body flowing by, the wireless connection, and (for me) ample coffee opportunities (Union Market with Fair Trade Organic choice) make this volunteer gig very relaxing.
Interested people stop by, find out more about the many great things OPIRG does, maybe sign up for the events list, and walk away with a cycling or waterfalls map. Like I said, not a bad gig.
We've got more table set-ups coming in the next weeks. Why not lend a hand?
Contact randy(at)opirg(dot)ca or 905-525-9140 ext. 26026 if you have an hour or two to give.

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turning the tables


First Big Event of the season...