West Campus History Hike!
Lunch Hour History Hike: Ponds to Parking in West Campus
Wednesday, May 15, 12:30pm - 1:30pm
Meet at OPIRG Office, McMaster University Student Centre room 229

Organizers Restore Cootes and OPIRG McMaster
Walk back in time and explore the founding of McMaster University in Hamilton, the relationship between McMaster and the Royal Botanical Gardens' properties, Canada's first modern highway, electric railways, pioneer cemeteries, lost ponds, and "ghost" trails.
This roughly one hour walk through west campus will also focus on changes to the parking area to create a naturalized buffer between the ashphalt lots and the beautiful Ancaster/Coldspring Creek that passes through McMaster's property.
There is no cost for this popular hike, bring a friend and explore the campus in a new way.
Your guide is Randy Kay of community group RESTORE COOTES, and OPIRG McMaster's Coordinator of Volunteers.
You can register for the hike by e-mailing Randy here