Working Together: The Board of Directors

"Serving on the OPIRG Board is a significant opportunity to work with others in the community who are committed to social justice and interested in transforming themselves and the environment around them through a whole range of working groups and practical projects. It is also an invaluable way to practice using consensus tools to make group decisions with a group of very different, opinionated and passionate people working together over a sustained period of time. It is hard to overstate how much difference it makes in the way you organize with people to actually have this experience under your belt, so that you know it is possible. The Board is a critical place to come together and start campaigns that creatively and effectively make use of our capacities to make change. This is a good place for people who are interested in making connections between anti-racism, gender, sexuality and queer politics, labour, anti-capitalism, environmentalism and anti-militarism, and who care about how these issues intersect on the ground, to make best use of the role OPIRG can play locally."