youth peace call!
Youth Peace Education Conference 2009
McMaster University, Hamilton ON
A Call for Workshop Proposals
The Youth Peace Education Conference are currently seeking contributions for workshops for the 7th annual Youth Peace Education Conference on November 12th, 2009. The participants with be high school youth ages 14-18 from the Halton and Hamilton-Wentworth District School Boards.
There will be two breakout sessions, one 40 minute session and one 60 minute session. The first workshop (40 minutes) focuses on various fields/disciplines/trades that can engage in peace education. Topics we hope to cover are gender and sexuality, animal rights, media and technology, spirituality, farming, language, dating and relationships (NVC), government, Servant Leadership, engineering and sustainable development, business, medicine, economics, skilled trades, and many others. The second timeslot of 60 minutes will be more focused on action and practical skills for creating a culture of peace and engaging in projects in the Hamilton/Halton community. Skills we hope to help youth develop include permaculture, consensus, non-violent communication, and conveying social justice messages through drama, dance, music and art.
We encourage participatory workshops that are activity-centered instead of lecture-focused. There will be approximately 200 youth at the conference, and we are anticipating each workshop to have between 5 and 40 people. We ask that you concisely describe the workshop in the submission form, and identify keywords that can help us categorize your presentation. We ask that those interested to please notify us of any workshop equipment, room type preference (open, no fixed seating etc.), handout or assistance needs in the application. Please have all proposals submitted by October 9th 2009, however earlier submissions are strongly encouraged.
For more information or questions:
phone: (905) 523-0111
Disclaimer: this is not an official opirg mcmaster sponsored event, and is posted for information purposes only. Please contact the event organizers with any questions or concerns.