Changing University
Conflicted or Co-opted Agendas? Multiculturalism and Internationalization in the Corporate University
Time | Begins at March 1st 8:00 PM EST ending on March 1st 9:30 PM EST |
Location | Bridges Cafe, Refectory Building, McMaster University |
Organizers | MOSAIC (supported by OPIRG McMaster) |
Posted by | opirg |
MOSAIC presents...
Dr.Marjorie Stone, Dalhousie University:
Why has there been a relative lack of progress in enhancing the diversity of the faculty and the curriculum in many Canadian universities even as we see these institutions energetically endorsing "internationalization" initiatives?
Conflicted or Co-opted Agendas?
“Multiculturalism and Internationalization in the Corporate University”
Thursday March 1st- 8:00-9:30pm at Bridges.
INFORMAL DISCUSSION. Light Refreshments will be provided.
Can these developments in the academy be mapped on to current transformations in the Canadian government's approach to immigration and multiculturalism policies?
Need More info? Contact Preeti Nayak
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Supported by OPIRG McMaster