harbouring an arts sci interaction
The Society of Arts & Science Students of McMaster University would like to invite all who wish to attend to a Community Dinner at St. Paul’s Anglican Church in Westdale on Thursday, March 8th at 6:30 pm. Following the dinner there will be a talk by Dr. Ken Cruikshank, an expert on the history of the Hamilton harbour. This is an opportunity for students and community members alike to share some food, interact with one another in a friendly environment, and learn some more about the McMaster and Hamilton community.
All are welcome and encouraged spread the word! This is the first in what we hope are many annual community dinners offered by the Society of Arts & Science Students. We ask that you e-mail community@sassweb.ca to RSVP. The cost is 5$ which will be collected at the door. There will be both vegetarian and vegan meal options available.
We look forward to seeing you there!
Alexandra Epp
SASS Community Chair
SASS Community Chair
Disclaimer: this is not an official opirg mcmaster sponsored event, and is posted for information purposes only. Please contact the event organizers with any questions or concerns.