Protest Pesticides

To all Hamilton Coalition on Pesticide Issues Members,

We want to make you all aware of the "Mother's against Pesticide" Rally next week. Although not being organised by HCPI , we hope that anyone interested will be able to attend and support it. It is being organised by a young mother, Melissa Iannace, who has also been collecting signatures on a petition. Brian McHattie and Fred Eisenberger have promised to attend.


Is it killing more than just weeds?

Mother's Against Pesticides Rally

Hamilton City Hall

Wednesday, May 16th, 2007 at 11 a.m.
Rain date: May 23rd, 2007 at 11 a.m.

The Mom Club of Hamilton is inviting all mother's and children to attend a peaceful rally in support of Hamilton City Council's initiative to develop and enact a City of Hamilton bylaw banning or restriciting the use of cosmetic pesticides.

Husband's and Father's also welcome.

We are also anticipating that a draft Bylaw will be presented at the Pesticide Sub-Committee meeting on Thursday, May 10. They have scheduled another meeting for May 18th to use if required. If the draft is approved there will shortly be a Public Review so KEEP POSTED as your input will be very necessary.

Alison Healing
Hamilton Coalition on Pesticide Issues


Summer Job!


Inciting Action